• Politics

    The Nightmare on Gaza, and the Left

    Except for a precious few, the Left of yesteryear; a well grounded dialectical Left able to enlighten the masses with a class analysis of socio-economic and political realities is not to be found at present. Instead, an array of reactionary misleading misinformation is what the so called Left has to offer. Rami Khouri, a Jordanian American analyst from the American University in Beirut and a frequent guest on Democracy Now which is an independent “leftist”newscast, was interviewed on Dec. 27, 2023 regarding his article “The Axis of Resistance” published in Al Jazzera. He refers to Hamas as “a representative of the Palestinian people when it comes to struggle and resistance.” …

  • Politics

    On Democratic Socialism 

    Within the vast ocean of capitalism, it appears that the “mainstream left” is swimming with the current, abandoning class consciousness, class analysis and revolutionary ideology. The vast array of today’s “leftist” intellectuals embrace the teachings of Bernstein and Bakunin rather than Engels and Lenin. Just as in the past, once again, these proponents of social evolution constitute nothing short of a band of pied pipers leading the working masses down a capitalist rabbit hole. Take for example, Richard Wolff, considered the leading Marxist economist in the U.S., who argues that a successful alternative to capitalism already exists. He calls for workers’ cooperatives to be the anti-capitalist models that will gradually…

  • Politics

    On Conspiracy Theories

    Sounding like a conspiracy theorist doesn’t necessarily make you wrong if your theory is based upon empiricism. Having a conspiracy theory doesn’t mean you are some right-wing extremist nut job basing your theory entirely on superstitious beliefs and magical thinking of the worst kind like all the anti-vaxxers. And by empiricism, I mean the actual past and present conspiracies against the people of the world for profit.  Let’s take for example, the conspiracy of the tobacco companies keeping secret their own medical findings for decades leading to the death and/or suffering from various illnesses for millions of people. What about the conspiracy of the fossil fuel industries who for decades…

  • Politics

    When Goliath Becomes David’s Best Friend!

    It is the repeated astonishing courage and tenacity of the Iranian people that I have witnessed in the last few weeks that compels me to write in their defense. I see these brave women and men, not to mention children, on the streets relentlessly facing beatings, imprisonment and live ammunition by their oppressors in order to have their voices heard. And they have shouted slogans to make clear what they reject with their deserved fury and revulsion: such as “Death to the Oppressors, be it a King, be it a Supreme-Leader!”, “I will Avenge whoever Killed my Sister!”, “Be Afraid of the Day We Arm Ourselves!”, “We are Female and…

  • Politics

    Censorship In The So-Called “Free World”

    (In light of the recent obstruction of Ashraf Dehghani’s Statement By Youtube) “The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon… and what foolery to be toasting an “Independent Press”! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.” (Excerpts of a speech, John Swinton editorial writer of The New York Times delivered at a press dinner in 1885.) Like a…

  • Politics

    The Iranian People’s Just Demands

    The powder keg has been lit once again as the Iranian people’s rage boils over. However, all the TV reports and publications I’ve read written about the recent events in Iran, focus on women’s rights. Take for example, The Guardian’s opinion piece written by Azadeh Akbari titled “Shutting down the internet is another brutal blow against women by the Iranian regime”. She writes: “Amini’s death has given momentum to Iranian women’s fight against discrimination, state control and patriarchy… Activists have seized the possibilities that digital technologies offer in recent years, with campaigns not only for changing laws and policies but also to bring to light more taboo issues such as…

  • Writing

    “Upon Your Domain, Death Too Shall Come To Pass”

    On an almost daily basis there is evidence of the 21st century hurtling toward the abyss of a modern dark age. Humanity, it seems, is suffocating in the stench of pseudo patriotism and ignorance. The latest example is the queen who died with millions grieving this symbol of empire colonialism that caused the genocide, racism, exploitation and theft of more than a billion human beings. However, sadly enough, we can hardly find a trace of class analysis from both the working class and the intelligentsia in England where, for example, in the midst of a major strike, UK rail and postal workers called it off stating that “Following the very…