The Chameleon
The petite bourgeoisie is an amazing social phenomenon. On the color spectrum of social forces, and compared to the two main classes in capitalist society, i.e., the bourgeoisie and the proletariat who have a relatively fixed economic position and social identity, the petite bourgeoisie has neither. Instead, it fluctuates along the spectrum. That is, depending on the conditions of class struggle; depending on the balance of power, the petite bourgeoisie can transform itself into any color and it can take any identity; it can convert into any ideology and it can show affinity towards any denomination, because the petite bourgeoisie is full of dreams and it grabs any string to…
On Conspiracy Theories
Sounding like a conspiracy theorist doesn’t necessarily make you wrong if your theory is based upon empiricism. Having a conspiracy theory doesn’t mean you are some right-wing extremist nut job basing your theory entirely on superstitious beliefs and magical thinking of the worst kind like all the anti-vaxxers. And by empiricism, I mean the actual past and present conspiracies against the people of the world for profit. Let’s take for example, the conspiracy of the tobacco companies keeping secret their own medical findings for decades leading to the death and/or suffering from various illnesses for millions of people. What about the conspiracy of the fossil fuel industries who for decades…
Lenin on revolutionary armament
When Goliath Becomes David’s Best Friend!
It is the repeated astonishing courage and tenacity of the Iranian people that I have witnessed in the last few weeks that compels me to write in their defense. I see these brave women and men, not to mention children, on the streets relentlessly facing beatings, imprisonment and live ammunition by their oppressors in order to have their voices heard. And they have shouted slogans to make clear what they reject with their deserved fury and revulsion: such as “Death to the Oppressors, be it a King, be it a Supreme-Leader!”, “I will Avenge whoever Killed my Sister!”, “Be Afraid of the Day We Arm Ourselves!”, “We are Female and…
A Look at Iran’s Recent Upsurge
What’s going on in Iran right now is without a doubt an intense scene of class struggle throughout the country. But the fact that you can’t sense any one particular class characteristic in the current spontaneous movement, or in other words, the fact that its class nature looks murky is because of two main factors: a) the very class composition of revolution in Iran, and b) the state and balance of power within the forces of revolution. On the one hand, we see a growing working class who’s been faced with capitalist exploitation on an unfathomable scale while being kept deprived of the most basic rights such as the vital…
Censorship In The So-Called “Free World”
(In light of the recent obstruction of Ashraf Dehghani’s Statement By Youtube) “The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon… and what foolery to be toasting an “Independent Press”! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.” (Excerpts of a speech, John Swinton editorial writer of The New York Times delivered at a press dinner in 1885.) Like a…